


Cycle Syncing.

A sacred space to quiet your mind, listen to your heart and deeply nourish your body and soul.

Hi my love,
I’m Cass!

It’s so beautiful to have you here.

It means there is a part of you – an inner whisper – beckoning you to journey deeper.

Perhaps you are moving through a challenging time – a life experience leaving you questioning your truth, your purpose, your path.

Maybe you are feeling a sense of disconnect with your heart – an inability to tune in to your intuition or honour your spirit.

Or you could be desiring a deepening of your already well-established spiritual practices (because the healers also need to be held).

This is a safe and sacred space for you to drop your worries, stressors and overwhelm, and deepen into connection, harmony and radiance. To find inner peace and restore balance internally – which ripples externally.

Using the ancient plant medicine of Cacao, we will journey in reverence alongside meditation, movement, music and magick; offering deep nourishment for your mind, body, heart and soul.

As you embark on this transformative journey with me, you'll connect with your own intuition, allowing your boundless potential to bloom.

Whether you're seeking a greater sense of purpose, a deeper connection with self and/or your guides, a supportive community, or simply a chance to slow down, take a breath and reset, you've landed in the right place.

Love Cass xxx


Cacao Ceremony & Reiki Healing

90 minutes

Allow me to hold you in a powerful, and transformative Shamanic journey of self-discovery and inner peace, connecting with your heart and intuition. This is a safe space to let go of heavy energy and call in your deepest dreams and desires.

The perfect option for anyone desiring a deeper connection with their true self.

A beautiful gift for a postpartum mama, birthday celebration or life milestone. Email for gift certificate options.

In person and online: $222


Byron Bay Winter Retreat

3 nights

Reconnect to your body, heart and soul on this healing and transformative weekend away.

This experience is crafted for the busy woman who has lost her way and is calling in support to reconnect with herself through ritual, routine and ceremony in alignment with her cycle and true self.

For women ready to rebalance and restore their energy and reclaim their magic as the powerful woman they came here to be.

28th June - 1st July 2024


Cycle Syncing Ceremony

2 hours

Step into a heart-centered ceremony to help you connect deeply with your cycle, womb and intuition. You will feel liberated of old beliefs and conditioning that are keeping you stuck in life.

This is a journey of self-discovery, remembering and reclaiming of your innate power and magic.

You will receive guidance on how to create rituals and routines that in alignment with your cycle.

For women ready to feel liberated and empowered.

In person or online: $333

Group Ceremony & Energy Healing

Imagine journeying with your loved ones in celebration, in the privacy of your own home.

Or establishing a deeper team-connection at your next event.

I am available for:

Retreats, Mother’s blessings, Birthdays, Engagements, Weddings, Workplace Celebrations, Online Programs & Workshops (and anything else your heart desires – get in touch to discuss…

What is a
Cacao Ceremony?

For thousands of years, Cacao has been used in ceremonies and rituals as a means of attaining higher perspectives on life.

Considered the "Food of the Gods," by ancient Mayans, (who were the first to utilise this revered plant as medicine), Cacao is not just a food, but a sacred entheogen, believed to facilitate a deeper spiritual connection.

How does ceremony with Cass work?

In sacred ceremony with Cass, Cacao is used as a powerful tool for embodiment, inviting more love, gratitude, joy, and celebration into your life. Once dropped deep into your heart space, you will embark on a transformative Shamanic journey, guided by the Ancient Chakana Medicine Wheel and the three worlds of existence in Andean Cosmology - the inner world, upper world, and physical world.

This ceremony is an opportunity to release heavy emotions, transforming them into light, as you reconnect with your true essence. Through prayer and connection to your inner realm, profound healing becomes accessible, allowing for the creation of a new, expansive reality.

This is a time to soften, connect with your heart, tap into your innate wisdom, and embrace your truth, as you move towards a deeper understanding of yourself.

About Cassey

Based on the Northern Rivers of NSW, Cass Maynard is a passionate Cacao Ceremonialist and Energy Healer who creates safe and sacred space for women to slow down and connect to their innate wisdom and power. 

With more than 13 years of experience in the wellness industry, Cass is a certified trainer, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Healing Practitioner, and Sacred Chocolate Cacao Ceremonialist. Her holistic approach to wellness focuses on restoring balance and alignment in people's lives.

Cass’s personal journey of becoming a mother and losing her own mother simultaneously,  has led her to appreciate the significance of creating nurturing and nourishing environments for women.

Her expertise and wisdom are deeply rooted in the ancient Andean lineage of The Seven Rays, which she shares with her community through @anchoringthelight.

Cacao with Cass Love

‘I loved being held in such a contained and sacred space. I received beautiful connection to the elements and a remembering of who I am and where I have come from. It was such a special time after navigating a very challenging postpartum. Cass is an incredible ceremonialist and I feel very grateful to have received from her. I can't wait for my next one!’

Hollie Azzopardi

‘I loved how instantly I felt dropped into the subtle realm and anchored in my heart. I received visions both mystical and earthly, clarity and insights emerged, guidance was received and tears were shed. I felt gently tended to and held in a way that supported me to naturally land deeply in myself. It was phenomenal. I felt Cass’ heart, depth and power guiding. I felt able to soften and surrender because I felt safely held’

Zoe Bosco

‘Ceremony with Cass is such a gift! She so powerfully led me into my heart so that I was in full receivership of the present moment. I felt so grounded, nourished and connected to a higher wisdom. For me the journey was so unique, I loved all of it, the music, the Reiki, the way Cass brought through the indigenous wisdom of the medicine. Feel very lucky to have journeyed with her.’

Jess Seeley

For upcoming events & ceremonies